Knowing the number of chapters in each book of the Bible is a useful resource. But along with the data, this article presents some extra interesting facts about the King James Bible.
The Bible was originally written by holy men of God under the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit, according to 2 Peter 1:21. “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (KJV)
The Word of God did not have the chapter and verse divisions in which we are familiar with today.
According to Bible scholars, the Bible we have today, which forms the foundation of our Christian faith, and as such, influences our own Christian life, was written over a span of about 1,500 years, by more than 40 different authors. Yet God, in His love for His people, preserved His Word throughout the centuries to make sure that each generation had His instructions for their lives.
God promised to preserve His Word. according to Psalm 12:6-7. “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” (KJV)
Obviously, when the words that form the Bible we have today were being written, the writers did not realize exactly what they were writing and how God would preserve it thought the centuries. The original books of the Bible were not divided into chapters and verses — the writers just wrote!
Bible historians have credited Stephen Langton, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, for dividing the Bible into the chapter divisions between 1244 and 1248. The chapter divisions that he proposed are what we use to this day. However, Catholic bibles contain more books than the “Protestant” Bible.
Langton did not try to alter God’s Word when he organized the books into distinct chapters. Studying Bible numbers, it seems clear that Langton’s chapter divisions of God’s Word was under the direction of God Himself.
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible – Bible Facts:
The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119 with 176 verses. The shortest chapter is Psalm 117 with only two verses.
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible – From Chapters to Verses
The printer Robert Estienne, also known as Robert Stephens, further divided the chapters into verses. He printed the first Bible, actually the New Testament, with the verse divisions, in about 1551. The verses used in the Bibles today are his verse divisions. Like Stephen Langton, Estienne did not try to alter God’s words. And again, God, preserving His Word, had His hand on this man and his project as well.
The total number of verses in the King James Version of the Bible is 31,102 verses. Adding the digits of 31,102 results in the number 7. The number 7, according to Bible scholars, represents God’s perfect number.
Since there is an even number of verses in the Bible, there is no single “middle” verse. Rather, the middle verses of the Bible are Psalm 103:1-2, which reads, “Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (KJV).
These 28 words command the reader of this holy book to bless the Author and Giver of this unique Book.
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible – Bible Facts:
The longest verse is Esther 8:9 with 78 words. The shortest verse in the entire Bible is John 11:35, which says, “Jesus wept.” (KJV)
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — Old Testament Books
There are two major divisions of the Bible — the Old Testament and New Testament. The number after the specific book of the Bible is the number of chapters contained in that particular book.
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — Books of Moses
The first five books of the Bible are called “the Pentateuch,” which means “five tools.” The author of these first five Old Testament books is generally attributed to Moses. The first book of the Bible, Genesis, is a book of history. The other four books are directions for life and laws from God to the people of Israel.
The time span of these books covers more than 2,000 years. Bible scholars believe that God told Moses exactly what to write in each of these books when Moses met with Him on Mount Sinai. This was at the same time that God gave Moses what we commonly call “The Ten Commandments.”
Genesis: 50
Exodus: 40
Leviticus: 27
Numbers: 36
Deuteronomy: 34
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — Books of History
These books are historical books of the Nation of Israel, which record events from the time when the children of Israel entered the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua, the accounts of the various kings of the nation of Israel, the Babylonian exile as chastisement from God because of Israel’s idolatry, and the return of the Jews to the land of Israel.
Joshua: 24
Judges: 21
Ruth: 4
1 Samuel: 31
2 Samuel: 24
1 Kings: 22
2 Kings: 25
1 Chronicles: 29
2 Chronicles: 36
Ezra: 10
Nehemiah: 13
Esther: 10
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible – Wisdom Books
These books of poetry and wisdom were written by various authors, such as Job, who is credited as the author of the book that bears his name. Psalms is the longest book of the Bible with 150 chapters, the majority of which, was written by King David. The books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon were all authored by David’s son, King Solomon. The 31 chapters of Proverbs make it easy to read a chapter every day throughout the month to glean daily wisdom.
Job: 42
Psalms: 150
Proverbs: 31
Ecclesiastes: 12
Song of Solomon (also known as the “Song of Songs”): 8
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — Major Prophets
These prophetic books are called “major prophets” because of the recorded volume of words written by these men of God. Lamentations was written by the prophet Jeremiah, and in this book, which is similar in style to the books of wisdom, Jeremiah laments the sins of the people of Israel by which God punished them with Babylonian exile.
Isaiah: 66
Jeremiah: 52
Lamentations: 5
Ezekiel: 48
Daniel: 12
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — Minor Prophets
These books are called minor prophets, not because their message was of lesser importance, but rather, the volume of their recorded prophecies was not as extensive as compared to the major prophets. There are twelve minor prophets, and the names of the books reflect their authors. Many of the prophecies in these books have been partially fulfilled in the past. Yet some Bible scholars believe there is yet a future fulfillment of some of these prophetic events.
Hosea: 14
Joel: 3
Amos: 9
Obadiah: 1
Micah: 7
Nahum: 3
Habakkuk: 3
Zephaniah: 3
Haggai: 2
Zechariah: 14
Malachi: 4
The total number of chapters in the Old Testament is 929.
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — New Testament Books
The books of the New Testament introduce the Person of Jesus Christ. The very first verse of the New Testament, Matthew 1:1, mentions Him. “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ…” (KJV)
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — The Gospels
Of the four Gospel narratives, the first three Gospels are called “synoptic gospels,” since these Gospel writers record very similar accounts concerning the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of John, the last Gospel, is a similar account, but does not include the parables of Jesus.
Matthew: 28
Mark: 16
Luke: 24
John: 21
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — The Acts of the Apostles
After Christ’s resurrection and ascension back to heaven, His followers, the apostles, continued to proclaim His teachings. The Book of Acts, which was written by the Gospel writer Luke, is a history of the early church, which Christ directed to be founded by His apostles.
Acts: 28
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — The Epistles of the Apostle Paul
These books of the Bible are “epistles,” or church letters. The names of the books identify the group of people, or in the case of Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, the specific individuals to whom the letter was written. All of these books identify the author as Paul, except for the Book of Hebrews. The author of Hebrews is unknown, but the majority of Bible scholars credit the authorship of the Hebrews to Paul.
Romans: 16
1 Corinthians: 16
2 Corinthians: 13
Galatians: 6
Ephesians: 6
Philippians: 4
Colossians: 4
1 Thessalonians: 5
2 Thessalonians: 3
1 Timothy: 6
2 Timothy: 4
Titus: 4
Philemon: 1
Hebrews: 13
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — More Epistles
These books are also church letters. The names for this set of epistles identify the writer rather than the recipient of the letters.
James: 5
1 Peter: 5
2 Peter: 3
1 John: 5
2 John: 1
3 John: 1
Jude: 1
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — Prophecy
The Book of Revelation is a book of prophecy written by the Apostle John in which he recorded the heavenly and prophetic vision that was given to him by Jesus Christ.
Revelation: 22
The total number of chapters in the New Testament is 260.
Number of Chapters in Each Book of the Bible — Conclusion
The data presented here reflects the number of chapters contained in the King James Bible translation. To download a daily Bible reading plan organized by months, click here.